F. A. Q

Frequently Asked Question

Do you have any questions about our company or the recruitment process? Take a look at our frequently asked questions below to get quick answers. If you still have doubts, don’t hesitate to contact us directly. We’re ready to answer all your questions and provide you with the necessary support.

 In the Netherlands, the average gross monthly salary is around 3,000 euros, but it depends on the industry, experience, region, and employer.

You can find all the tips for creating a professional CV in our employee section. We want you to create a CV that will set you apart from other candidates and help you succeed in the recruitment process.

The Netherlands values diversity of skills and experiences. Regardless of your profession, there is a place for you. We are here to help you discover your strengths and find the right place for you in the Dutch job market.

Taking up legal work usually requires a work permit and a BSN number.

The healthcare system is universal, and employees are required to pay health insurance premiums. We want you to feel safe and assured, having access to comprehensive medical care when needed.

We find the right employee for the right employer.

We believe that this perfect harmony is a key to the success of both the employee, who finds their calling and fulfillment, and the employer, who builds an efficient team. Our efforts are based on connecting, building trust, and caring for the well-being of each party in the recruitment process.

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